Frame Repairs, Alterations, Braze-ons and Retracking
Frame Repairs
We can keep any steel frame on the road or alter it to take more modern equipment
WHat We Do
Steel frame repairs and alterations has been a large part of our business since day one. We have an unrivalled passion for traditional steel frames, so whatever you need we’ll try our best to find the solution.
We have full frame building facilities on the premises. If you require a repair or alteration to your frame, you will find a price here. If what you want isn’t on our pricelist, please don’t hesitate to ask.
We can work on any steel frame no matter if its a Hetchins with fancy lugwork, an Italian frame like Colnago or one of our own Ellis Briggs or Favori frames.
In The Workshop
Come join us in the workshop for some behind the scenes videos of the projects we work on.