Goodbye 2022

2022 has been a challenging year at Ellis Briggs, with plenty of highs and lows.

The year started off on a pretty high note, when we were visited by HM the Princess Royal.

By the time spring arrived, the workshop nearly ended up in our basement, as the floor was beginning to collapse due to woodworm. Not an easy job to repair as the the flooring joists need replacing and the whole workshop had to be moved out for a couple of weeks. Not a great situation when the season is picking up.

In the autumn we were hit by several bouts of illness both in workshop staff and the paintshop. It has taken until the end of 2022 and a lot of overtime, to clear our backlog.

Thanks to all our customers in the last year. We absolutely love rescuing your beloved bikes. Every single one has a story. We’ve seen bikes which have been left in hedges, damp garages and even left at the ex wife’s house. In 2023 we plan to publish more detail about the projects we do and the stories behind them, so we can inspire more of you to keep cherished and classic bikes on the road.

We are now ready to take on plenty of interesting new projects in the the coming year.

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